Monday, December 17, 2012

Notes From A Bass Guru (Vol.25, Dec.12) "Music is alive!"

Notes From A Bass Guru (Vol.25, Dec.12) “Music is alive!”

Just like everything in the Universe, Music (with a capital M) is alive! It lives and breathes and even has a mind of its own. So, if you want to live within Music, you have to learn to FEEL the heartbeat. With no pulse, there is no life, and without life there is no Music. Now there lies the question of how one goes about being one with this living spirit called Music.

First, how can I prove to you that Music is alive? Did you ever suddenly get a tune stuck in your head and you just could not stop feeling it, even when the notes aren't audible. You know, those notes that are all in your head that noone else can hear? That is the sound of the spiritual entity known as Music communicating with you in some way! It does this because even when the notes stop, the song is still alive!

Now that you know Music is alive, now you have to learn to be in touch with it so that you and Music can strengthen each other into making a great song. Music is like the Force from Star Wars, it surrounds us and binds us and when we learn to become it, we can use it! You must reach out to feel it, your mind is like a radio, you must quiet it and enable it to focus on the frequencies of Life that are all around you, so that you know what Nature is trying to tell you. Use your “radio” to pick up on the Life around you, and focus yourself on trying to make Life even better. When you do this, you will have all the forces of Life backing you, the Music will flow freely through you now! Your job as a musician is to interpret these frequencies of Life and deliver them to the rest of the world, you are the antennae that must pick up the signals! You as an artist have that gift!

The first thing you will notice after you pick up on all Music's signals, is that it has a pulse. Feel this groove! If you stick to this heartbeat, you can never go wrong! Forget how to think for a while and just feel. The signals you feel will think for themselves and they are never wrong! Do not forget, that when you are playing, Music itself has a say in all matters, not only you!

What will you do next now that you feel the pulse? Well, first, let the Music tell you what it wants you to play, it is never wrong, as it is a force in Nature and Nature knows itself better than you ever will! With this said, let all notes come out naturally, do not fight it. You must play your music with trust and with love (it is the most powerful emotion), and the notes will tell you where they want to go. Each note has its own life, listen to it and let it live, let it be YOUR note!

All of these concepts may seem abstract until you do this, but with this all said, I am not saying to forget technique and theory. I wrote this in another article, but as I said in my “Building Techniques” article, your technique should be at a high enough level that you don't have to think about it, it will just happen. With that said, if you really are at a point with some techniques that it is a part of your playing truly without having to be forced, Music will know and it will use these skills you acquired! Just remember to keep it as natural as you could, you are an artist and you have this purpose in life! You are there to serve Nature and Music in the end!

Your brother in Nature,
Mark McAnaney (composer/bassist)

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